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It takes support to heal. It takes courage to grow.
Karine Bertram


The secret of getting ahead is getting started
MarK Twain


Big journeys begin with small steps
Lao Tzu


The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence
Roy T Bennet


Once you become fearless life becomes limitless
Nishant Patel, Mit Bhat


Great things never come from comfort zones
Ben Francia


Ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting
you closer to where you want to be
Paulo Coelho

Psychological Prenuptial Agreement

Psychological Prenuptial Agreement

Crafting a Psychological Prenuptial Agreement

Life transitions can be challenging. When embarking on the journey of cohabitation and shared responsibilities, couples often encounter shifts in their relationship dynamics. To navigate this transition smoothly, I offer personalized sessions designed to define each partner’s roles, financial obligations, and shared responsibilities within the relationship.

During these short-term sessions, you and your partner will have the opportunity to collaboratively establish a framework that outlines how you’ll navigate your life together. From household chores to financial management, we’ll work together to ensure clarity and understanding in every aspect of your partnership.

Upon completion of our sessions, you’ll leave with a carefully crafted agreement detailing the commitments and expectations of each partner. While this agreement is not legally binding, it serves as a psychological contract between you and your partner—a tangible reminder of your shared commitment to each other and your relationship.

Take the proactive step towards a harmonious and fulfilling partnership. Contact me today to schedule your session and lay the groundwork for a strong and resilient relationship.