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It takes support to heal. It takes courage to grow.
Karine Bertram


The secret of getting ahead is getting started
MarK Twain


Big journeys begin with small steps
Lao Tzu


The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence
Roy T Bennet


Once you become fearless life becomes limitless
Nishant Patel, Mit Bhat


Great things never come from comfort zones
Ben Francia


Ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting
you closer to where you want to be
Paulo Coelho

Therapy For Interpersonal Relationship

Interpersonal Relationship Counseling

Relationships are everything in life. Some of us struggle with creating solid and genuine relationships with our partners, friends, and/or family. Our past experiences can sometimes affect our current relationships. As a result, we start to present ourselves with rigid rules and roles in our relationships with our partners, friends, colleagues, and even our children. These patterns tend to manifest as low self-esteem, insecurities, and resentments, all of which can profoundly affect our relationships.

These unresolved past experiences can also lead people to feel attracted to the wrong partner and unconsciously repeat the same intergenerational mistakes.

What to expect from our sessions:

In our sessions, we may create a psychological tree (genogram) of your family of origin and identify the unhealthy behaviors and tendencies that led you to allow and recreate the mistakes of your family of origin. We will focus on processing these unresolved emotions and attachment wounds to create new communication styles and let go of what you no longer need. Together, we will focus on creating your new narrative, one that is filled with meaning and genuine connection in all areas of life.

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