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It takes support to heal. It takes courage to grow.
Karine Bertram


The secret of getting ahead is getting started
MarK Twain


Big journeys begin with small steps
Lao Tzu


The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence
Roy T Bennet


Once you become fearless life becomes limitless
Nishant Patel, Mit Bhat


Great things never come from comfort zones
Ben Francia


Ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting
you closer to where you want to be
Paulo Coelho

Psychological evaluation for attorneys with immigration cases

Psychological Evaluations for Immigration

I offer immigration assessments and evaluations for immigrants seeking:

Extreme Hardship Waivers, Domestic Violence (VAWA) and Asylum cases.

I can provide assessment sessions in English, Portuguese, or Spanish.

What to expect from our sessions

I will initially have a brief phone call with the person seeking the immigration evaluation to discuss their case.

Once we agree on terms, I will ask the client to read and sign some consent forms and answer a questionnaire before the assessment sessions. I work simultaneously with the client and their attorney.

Assessments involve two separate sessions of about 1 to 1.5 hours each, either in-person or through video therapy using a HIPAA Protected Platform to offer the highest level of cyber security. This is followed up with a professional report delivered to the clients attorney.

Psychological Evaluation For Immigration

I offer assessments and evaluation for Extreme Hardship Waivers, Domestic Violence (VAWA) as well as Political Asylum cases and others. I am licensed in in New York, California and New Jersey.

With my legal experience acquired in Brazil, where I attended law school and than college and graduate school in psychology in the US, I write my evaluations in a thorough manner, covering the complete scenario of the client.

The assessment includes two sessions of 1 to 1.5 hours each with the client seeking the visa. This is followed up with a complete and comprehensive Psychological Evaluation Report of about 10-15 pages. I offer my sessions in three languages: English, Portuguese an Spanish.

Please contact me for a redacted sample, my resume, or any questions about my experience.

For Attorneys

“No Surprises”Act

In January 2022, Congress passed the “No Surprises” Act that obliges health care providers—like me—to furnish clients who self-pay with a “good faith estimate” of the cost they might expect to incur in the calendar year or the number of sessions agreed upon. Your own cost will be the number of visits you schedule multiplied by my fee. How many visits you can expect is variable, difficult to anticipate, and ultimately, up to you. I will provide existing clients with a good faith estimate based on a range of number of sessions in the calendar year. Ps: The faith of the estimate is just an estimate, and you are not obliged to attend all the sessions provided in the estimate. You are allowed to discontinue therapy anytime during the treatment period if you desire. You will not be charged for sessions not attended that are cancelled within the 48 hour of the cancellation policy.
Feel free to discuss this with me and explore more about this act in this website:

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